Impact Ministry

Encourages Christians in their 30s – 40s to be agents of transformation in the marketplace, where the daily business and economics of life take place. Come and…

~ Connect with fellow pilgrims, meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.

~ Console, bear one another’s burdens, encourage one another through meaningful conversations.

~ Conquer and overcome challenges together.

Impact Camp

Burnout, jaded, overwhelmed, lonely, drifting away… Things changed due to the pandemic and different seasons of life. Take a break, getaway at Impact camp for spiritual reflection and renewal. Have meaningful conversations around relevant topics and matters of the heart for our age group (30s – 40s).

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Toxic workplace. Economic uncertainty. Caring for sick family member. Financial debt. Broken relationships. Unfair practices. Corruption. Loss of employment.

Life is TOUGH and that is REAL. How can we rise above our challenges, setbacks, & limitations?