Just graduated?

Looking for a group of Christian friends to grow together in your walk with God?

~transition from campus to the marketplace,

~follow God in the “real world”,

~find meaning in your work,

~keep your faith alive…

then the iBridge community is here to help you find spiritual friends who are also fellow pilgrims on this journey.

iBridge Community

Come and join us at iBridge. A growing community of Christians who are fresh graduates and young professionals below the age of 35. It is mainly made up of young Malaysia Christian graduates who aims to Follow Jesus in every aspect of their life.


This is a small group that meets once a month for a period of 6 months to discuss transition from a student life to the working world. It also enforces community living whose objective is to create lifelong disciples, to help transition from campus to the marketplace, to deal with work pressure, office politics, work culture, relating to parents, adapting back to church life, being salt and light in the marketplace.

iBridge Camp

iBridge organize Annual iBridge camps since 2002. This camp is an opportunity for Christian young working adults from diverse backgrounds and denominations to encourage, fellowship, share, and learn from one another. Our 4d3n camp are usually held during long public holiday weekend and has attracted 70 to 120 campers every year.

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