iBridge Camp 2024

Theme for this year camp "Return" gives a very direct invitation to the participants, to return to God. Participants who show interests to join because of the theme, would probably have certain inclination that in their lives or themselves, there's a need to return to God. This camp could be the answer to their questions, issues or challenges (hopefully).

Replace the T as ✝️ because when we make the choice to return back to Christ we are renewed in our mind through His word, restored from past hurt, reconcile from broken relationships with friends and family, reconnect back to church/community and be resilient to continue on the Christian faith.

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As young adults/freshgrads, there are many distractions, many choices to make, many things that occupy our attention and before we know it we slowly drift away from the main and important thing.
We need to intentionally and deliberate make the choice to come back to the Father.

Prof. Dr. Living Lee

Plenary : Camp Theme "RETURN"

Workshop : "Church"

Dr. Living Lee (PhD Liverpool) was Professor of Geology in the University of Malaya till his retirement in 2011.

Founding Elder and later on Pastor of People's Park Baptist Church. He was past-president of Graduate Christians Fellowship (GCF) Malaysia and the current appointed advisor.

He is a committed Christian who often speaks on Science and Faith issues to students, graduates and church groups as well as at interreligious forums.

Pr. Chris Kam & Stella

Workshop : "Family and Friends"

Pastor Chris Kam was an electrical engineer by profession until he joined DUMC 9 years later in 1994. He is currently the Pastor-in-Charge of DUMC and has been a pastor for 30 years. His passion in life is to disciple believers towards Christlikeness through an intentional life-on-life process. He is particular about awakening men to their calling as godly men, husbands, and fathers.

He is married to his wife Stella for 36 years, with 3 boys aged 34, 29 and 27 and two daughters-in-law, Michelle and Annabella. The eldest son is a medical doctor, the second a videographer and the third is an engineer. By God’s grace, they all love the Lord and are following Him wholeheartedly.

Stella was a director in a multinational accountancy firm and headed the Learning & Development department of the company for over twenty years. She now runs her own consultancy and training business. She too is passionate about the value of excellence in everything she does and helping others to do likewise. Apart from her work, she holds an even more important portfolio, that of a wife and mother.

Together with Chris, and their three sons, and now two daughter-in-laws, they have a passion for God and life, and desire others to experience the same. They believe life really becomes enjoyable and fun for people in their forties and beyond.

Timothy Choy

Workshop : "Work"

Timothy Choy is a public sector specialist working with and in government. Among others, he has helped the Penang State Government establish an implementing agency and is currently consulting a Sarawak Government statutory body on their business transformation journey.

Called at the age of 18 to work with governments, Timothy is passionate to see nations prosper and for governments to step into their God-given role as administrators of justice, peace and righteousness. Someday, to witness Revelations 7:9 manifest.

Timothy has his Christian foundations nurtured in the Methodist Church. He currently attends SIBKL, serving in Children's Ministry with the conviction that there is a spiritual battle over the church for the next generation.